Anything and everything you find in this world is nothing but energy. As we all know that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, everything we see is nothing but a transformation of energy from one form to another. The same energy flows through our bodies and is called by different names like Chi, Ki, Prana, Reiki, Consciousness and so on.

Every being in this Universe is connected by means of frequencies or magnetic pulse known as Bio Magnetic Field. Our bodies are energetic in nature. Our bones resonate at lower frequencies while our blood, thoughts etc. vibrate at higher frequencies. This magnetic pulse is known as a Bio Magnetic field. In Eastern traditions this pulse or the Bio Magnetic Field is also known as Ki, Chi or Prana.

All of us are gifted with the potential and power to heal ourselves. Surprising isn’t it?!!! Wonder how?!! We already saw that our bodies are energetic in nature. The Universal Energy permeates or fills our bodies when we are in our mother’s womb. This Life force, Life Energy, Primary Energy, Vital Energy, Prana or the Cosmic Energy within every creature in this world helps the body to naturally repair, heal and restore aspects of itself as required by it.

Our ancestors in the distant past had an inherent wisdom to heal themselves and maintain their vitality. But overtime, gradually we have lost this ability. Sedentary lifestyle, “chemical-rich”and adulterated foods, Polluted atmosphere, drifting away from Nature, ignoring the circadian rhythm are some of the prime factors that have paved way for losing our ability to link with the Primary energy to heal ourselves.

Our potential is tremendous but in order to become the powerful beings we were meant to be, we need to change our focus and pattern of life and get reconnected with that Universal Energy.

Enhance your Energy by adopting the following routine in your life and reap its benefits:

1. Consume food and drink that provides your body with natural nutrients. Eat a good amount of fresh fruits.
2. Develop and adopt habits that help maintain a clear state of mind.
3. Meditate.
4. Develop positive mental patterns to help you process life.

Reiki is an amazing gift that is given to each and every one of us to be connected with that Universal Energy. Reiki is the energy that connects our higher self with everything around us. By opening your mind to this energy, you will be able to witness balance and harmony in your life and be able to let your life flow like a gentle breeze.

All of us intuitively use Reiki energy. When children are hurt, they are soothed by their Mother’s caring touch. A symbolic kiss to make it better actually would ease the pain as Mother and child use Reiki energy to soothe and heal.

When we are injured we naturally hold and protect the injured areas. In doing so we are drawing in Reiki energy to those parts to help them recover.

When a Reiki practitioner is performing a healing session, the energy that emanates from their hands produce a significantly larger Bio Magnetic reading (7-10Hz – Theta and Alpha range) than a non-practitioner. These frequencies are associated with physical healing.

If you think that Reiki can be used only for Physical well-being or as a healing tool, I am sorry, you are mistaken. Reiki is not only a tool for physical healing, but also for mental and spiritual growth as well. Although Reiki has traditionally been used as a healing system, it is also extremely effective as a way to help individuals increase awareness, insight, wisdom and personal growth.

The abundant Reiki energy is available to everyone. There is no single person or organization who holds the rights to this energy. Reiki is not trademarked or patented. The main key to access Reiki energy is the intention to align yourself to it and then the willingness to surrender your intellect so your heart can lead the way.

Practice Reiki consciously and welcome the Energy whole-heartedly into your life. It will undoubtedly be a protective and guiding force in your life and open the gateway to a holistic living.

With Divine Love,


Swarnalatha Srinivasan, Founder of Solutions Encyclopedia and author of the website's blog is a postgraduate research scholar in Economics. A versatile writer and University rank holder in English, Swarnalatha's poem on “Mother Teresa”, was personally appreciated by a letter duly signed by Mother Teresa. She is a Consultant-Advisor for projects and training for various educational service providers, in setting up new schools and in training teachers. Swarnalatha is also certified and trained Reiki Healer. She has been a solution provider to many, by equipping them to approach their life's demanding and challenging issues seamlessly. This inspired her to start this website to provide suitable solutions for various issues. The site visitors can read her blogs to get a deep insight into various aspects of life. They can also contact her through a message to find solutions in their areas of concern.


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